Subtractive Color Wheel
Hues, Tints, Shades, & Gray-scale values
Class: Foundation 2D Design
Deliverables: Original design of a 12-step color wheel
Class: Foundation 2D Design
Date: Fall 2023
An abstract representation of the subtractive 12-step color wheel, based on Itten’s 12-step color wheel, using geometric forms on an isometric grid. Each form depicts a hue, surrounded by its tint, shade, and corresponding gray-scale. The three primary colors, three secondary colors, and six tertiary colors are characterized by similarity and scale. Diagonal alignment indicates intermediate colors.

Color Concept Sketches
(Digital representation – Adobe Illustrator 2024)
Exploration of simple open (Top-Left) and closed (Top-Right) shape designs, different geometric forms, scales, and space. Further investigation and creation of abstraction, alignments (Bottom-Left), and addition of contrast and interest enhancement (Bottom-Right), which resulted in the development of the final composition.

Painted Subtractive Color Wheel
Acrylic Gouache